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Correct use and servicing of air conditioning

User Guide

Nowadays, air conditioning in the home and office is becoming more and more common and is becoming a standard. Unfortunately, not all users know that the lack of regular inspections and efficient service has a negative impact on the user's comfort and the durability of the devices. Proper service and maintenance is a guarantee of correct and long-term operation of the devices and high quality of the emitted air in the interests of our HEALTH and COMFORT.

Air conditioner inspections and maintenance should always be performed by specialists with appropriate qualifications and certificates guaranteeing the highest level of services provided.

When should maintenance be performed?

The condition for maintaining the warranty of all device manufacturers is regular performance of technical inspections by the Authorized Service. During the warranty period, inspections should be carried out regularly, MINIMUM 2 TIMES A YEAR, before the summer season (April-June) and before the winter season (September-November).

Devices operated in unfavourable environmental conditions and devices with high reliability requirements require special attention and service intervals are determined individually for them.

Why is it worth servicing air conditioning and ventilation installations and devices?


It should be remembered that faulty air conditioning and ventilation systems and the lack of regular servicing promote the development of various types of bacteria, viruses, fungi and mites that cause a number of health ailments, including allergies and respiratory infections. One of the most undesirable bacteria that breed in a wet environment and like the damp nooks and crannies of air conditioning systems is the so-called "legionella", which causes pneumonia that is difficult to cure. Dirty filters in devices accumulate mites and dust and cause an unpleasant smell. If we forget to service our systems regularly, instead of breathing fresh air, we will introduce an unhealthy microclimate inside.

The preparations used by SMSKLIMA have the necessary certificates and effectively combat the most common threats such as:

  • bacteria: Legionella pneumophila, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MRSA
  • fungi: Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Trichophyton equinum and mentagrophytes
  • viruses: Polio, Adeno, SARS, Norovirus
  • bacterial spores and mycobacteria…

High-quality maintenance and service services provided by SMSKLIMA guarantee that the devices will supply clean, fresh and healthy air to the rooms, and you will take care of the safety of people staying in air-conditioned rooms.


The correct operation of air conditioning and ventilation devices depends on proper service. Regular inspections and timely removal of faults will protect us from more serious damage to the equipment and ensure its long-term operation.

Neglecting regular inspections and maintenance leads to decreased equipment efficiency, increased energy consumption and excessive wear of key components.

Failure to comply with the requirements and guidelines set by device manufacturers often leads to costly failures and measurable losses in a short period of time. It should also be remembered that employees breathing low-quality air are more likely to fall ill and be on sick leave, which also causes a significant increase in the costs of the workplace and real losses in the long term.


Lack of proper servicing of devices leads to excessive consumption of energy obtained from various sources, which indirectly but significantly affects the environment around us. The duties of a reliable service include raising social awareness in this area and educating users about their responsibility. It should be remembered that by neglecting regular servicing we can be really and directly responsible for significant environmental damage. Improperly serviced and operated devices are often the cause of the release of harmful substances into the environment. This applies to both controlled substances and greenhouse gases as well as oils, greases or glycol solution.

Leaks in installations and the emission of gases into the atmosphere also mean the obligation to prepare reports to the Marshal's Office regarding the use of the environment and to pay appropriate fees for emissions!


Possession of installations containing controlled substances in quantities of ≥ 3 kg or fluorinated greenhouse gases in quantities of ≥ 5 tonnes of CO equivalent2 for their operators (in the vast majority of cases the owner = operator) a number of obligations required by law, the fulfillment of which requires cooperation with a qualified service. You should always check whether the service company and its staff have the necessary qualifications, including in particular f-gas certificates.

The most important responsibilities of the operators of the above-mentioned devices include:

  • registration in the Central Register of Operators
  • mandatory, periodic tightness checks!
  • establishing and maintaining device documentation, i.e. DEVICE CARD, within 15 working days of completing device installation and making appropriate entries for all activities within the same period.

Failure to fulfil the operator's obligations may result in the imposition of financial penalties by the Environmental Protection Inspectorate of up to PLN 45,000.


Specific devices may require different or additional legal and service actions.

Only a qualified and competent service will take proper care of your devices and provide you with appropriate substantive and technical support!

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